is it with the publishing trend of having celebrities write children
books? What do you as the buying public think of books written
by celebs such as Madonna and Britney?
It begins with: "Once upon a time, there was a land in love
with fame and brand names. By and by some famous brand-name people,
holed up in their castles, discovered a new trade. They startes
writing books for children." Kakutani's article ends with
"so far, J.K. Rowling--never mind the Grimm brothers and
Dr. Seuss--faces little serious competition in the children's
book business, at least not from the celebrities who covet her
celebrity and underestimate the difficulty of her art."
Michiko Kakutani gives an insightful treatment of this publishing
trend. It offers a scathing review of Madonna's new book, and
lumps her with other celebrity authors when it says, "the
problem is that these authors count on audiences being able to
forget--or ignore---who they used to be. Madonna's previous venture
into publishing was 'Sex'."
The article actually gives credit where credit is due, "A
handful of celebrities, such as John Lithgrow and Jamie Lee Curtis,
have a gift for writing for children: They know how to tell a
story and how to tell it with words and pictures and whimsical
wit. For others, children's books are another vanity production:
Britney books, along with Britney dolls, Britney cell phones and
Britney mouse pads."